Tune of the Week

11:42:00 PM

Hi friends! It's pretty late right now and I keep jamming in my dorm room to the same song over and over so I thought I should write a post on it. It's a sick song in my opinion. It's called Tumblr Girls by G-Easy. Basically I found this song on tumblr/half the kids I know are obsessed with G-Easy. I've always liked rap music, but lately I've been listening to more chill study music. I tend to go in and out of stages on my spotify playlist. This song starts out stereotyping all the tumblr girls.. Let's be honest most of the girls on tumblr are 13 year olds acting like they're 20 year old depressed anorexic models. I'll admit tumblr can be a bit depressing at times, but I love connecting with others through everyday photos and sayings. My tumblr is like a personal photo blog. I even made a gif of the music video because I have no life and I thought the video was one of the coolest music videos. It's like a tumblr video. And I love tumblr and music so it's like the perfect combo. Enough of my rambling. Listen to this song and I can assure you will enjoy yourself if you have any sort of emotion. Just kidding. But seriously, check it out:

Follow me on tumblr: http://happiness-ok.tumblr.com

ALSO: It's Matty Healy's birthday today. If you don't know, he is in a band called the 1975. So in honor of his sexy hair and face and body and voice and... other things. Here's to the one man who can make "juxtaposition" sound sexy. 


lovely megsbee

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  1. I actually really liked that video. Thanks for sharing!



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