Liebster Award

4:45:00 PM

Hello everyone! This week I was nominated to do the Liebster Award by Mads from I'm Looking For Me. This is such a great way to get to know other bloggers and let you all know a bit more about me! I've never done anything like this before, so hopefully I did this right.

Here's how this works:

1. Link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the 10 questions your nominator gave you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs with 10 other questions.
4. Comment on your nominee's blog with a link back to your post.

The questions Mads asked me are:

1. What is your favorite makeup brand?

There are so many options! My favorite makeup brand is probably Urban Decay. I always find myself splurging on their eyeshadow palettes.

2. If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would you instantly go?

Home. I am at college and I desperately miss my family and my queen sized bed. I haven't been home in over two months, but thankfully fall break is next week so then I will have plenty of time to relax.

3. When did you start blogging and what made you start?

I started officially blogging about a year ago. It started out as a way for me to do something creative and non-school related during my first year at college. I'm traveling abroad to Rome in a few months, so I want to be able to document my travels and just my life in general. I also love reading other people's blogs and watching content creators on youtube. People like Zoe Sugg, Louise Pentland, and Troye Sivan are huge inspirations to me.

4. If you could talk to a younger version of yourself, what would you say to her.

I would tell my younger self to stop worrying so much. Things like grades, boys, and how much you weigh do not define what kind of person you are.

5. What is one makeup item you couldn't live without?

Anastasia Brow Gel.

6. What is the last song you listened to?

Bridges by Broods.

7. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what is it?

I can eat a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's in one sitting.

8. Books or movies?

I love reading, however I haven't read anything for pleasure lately so I'd have to say movies. My mom and I are obsessed with Mamma Mia!

9. Where is your favorite place to eat out?

At school I usually go out to Chipotle. But when I'm home with my family I love going out for sushi; we have a couple really good Japanese restaurants in Grand Rapids.

10. What is on top of your beauty wish list?

This list is never-ending. But if I had to pick one thing it would be the NARS sheer glow foundation.

I nominate:

1. Ashley from Ashley Laura Beauty
2. Esme from Esme Madeline
3. Blaze Ann from p31beauty
4. Alison from Beauty & Blazers
5. Katy from Top Knots and Jots
6. Charlotte from Charlotte B Harris
7. Katie from BlogTherapy
8. Beth from BettyBeBlogs
9. Stephanie from Autumn Dreamer
10. Seren from Just Seren

Questions for my nominees:

1. Mascara or eyeliner?
2. What is your favorite musical artist at the moment?
3. Who is your inspiration?
4. Where is your favorite place in the world?
5. What are you most excited about this week?
6. What is your favorite beauty brand?
7. What is an outfit you are most proud of?
8. Are there any products you're obsessing over right now?
9. What is your favorite food?
10. When did you start blogging?

Please let me know when you post your answers. I can't wait to learn more about you :)
If you haven't already, check out these lovely blogs.

To all college students- good luck on midterms!

Lots of love,

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  1. Hi Meg! Thanks for the nomination =). I'll be sure to let you know if I do it! Love your blog by the way!

    ❤ Blaze Ann

    1. Hi again! Here's the link to my post; thanks again for nominating me! =)

  2. Hey Meg! Thank you so much for nominating me! Here's the link to my post!


  3. Hiya Meg
    Thank you sooo much for the nomination, had fun with my blog post this week and you can read it here as it's just gone live

  4. Number 7 - haha so can I, love Ben and Jerry's. I also really want to try the Anastasia Brow Gel, and the Brow Wiz.

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I love the Greek Peanut Butter and Banana flavor! Same with the Brow Wiz, it's next on my list!!!


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