How to: Artsy Flower Collage

4:21:00 PM

Hello everyone! So school is finally over and I am feeling inspired. I cleaned out my entire room last week and now I'm left with bare walls and empty drawers. I want to create my room into a completely different atmosphere, one that is more mature and less in your face. I began doodling one day and decided to make my sketches into an art piece for my cork board attached to my makeup desk. I kept the colors muted and neutral as I am planning on painting over my royal blue walls with a subtle light gray. I used a fine tip MICRON pen, some Prismacolor markers, and scissors for this little project. These flower designs are all different. I tend to doodle like this a lot, so free hand drawing things like this is one of my favorite things to do. I put these flower pieces together into some sort of collage type banner thing for the top of my cork board. I hope to add more doodles, inspirational quotes, or cutouts from beauty magazines to this cork board. Overall this was a nice little project and I love how it turned out!

Here are a few of the smaller cutouts-

I am slightly obsessed with these Prismacolor markers. There is a fine tip on one end and a watercolor-like felt tip on the other end. The felt tip is easy to use and gives a piece a greater sense of
depth due to the difference in value.

Hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope this inspired you to get creative!
Have a great week!!


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