Girl Power- "That's What She Said"

9:30:00 PM

You can tell a lot about a person when they make big decisions. One of the biggest decisions I have ever made is college. I picked a small, liberal arts all-girls private school (given there is a massive university I have access to across the street). At first, I was against picking this school. But why? Because it's filled with rich, sheltered girls who didn't give a damn about a degree. I knew this was just a stereotype. Why wouldn't I want to become the strong, independent woman I always dreamt of being? It was because I was scared. I have found that when I'm absolutely terrified it means I'm usually making the right choice. With this choice comes expectations. Expectations I may or may not meet.

Today I re-discovered a youtube series that I having been trying to find for months now. After all this  searching, I finally found it! Now, this isn't any youtube series (if you don't know what a youtube series is- it is a collection of videos regarding similar topics and people). It is a series of videos regarding women. They speak about body image, expectations, perception, confidence, beauty and much more! Their mission is to empower women all across the world.

These series of videos inspired me to become the strong confident woman more than ever before. Over the past year, my independence and self-worth have grown tremendously. I am not afraid to speak my mind given the consequences. A few weeks ago I met up with some friends from high school. It was the first time I had seen some of them since the start of the school year. Throughout the night I was called sassy and bitchy by both my female and male friends. I simply stated, "I'm not being a bitch, I'm just confident now." This seemed like such an unknown response for them. Why is it that when girls are assertive or confident, they are called bitches. However, when men are assertive and confident they are called leaders. I'm done being sorry for being a women. Sorry for being such a inconvenience. I have spent my life trying to prove myself to everyone because of one body part.

I'm sorry for my rant, I am just a very passionate feminist. Feminism. The word is misconstrued by society into a negative ploy against men. That is simply not the mission. All feminism translates to is the equality of BOTH genders. These videos empower women to be anything they want to be without worrying about what others believe. Women do not have to compensate for anything just because they are women. These videos also urge women to help one another rather than pushing each other down. These women coming together and talking about the problems we have in our society is the next step to making a change for women. This makes me happy. Women doing good together for other women. This is why I intend to spend the rest of my life urging other woman to be leaders despite the fact they have to carry around a child for nine months. If men can do it, women can do it. Being happy is being yourself. Whether women are or aren't stay at home mothers should be their choice, not the judgement of our society. These videos make me ponder what we can do to change the way women are perceived in this world.

Here is one of the discussions between Soul Pancake and Darling Magazine concerning beauty and body image:

For the full series "That's What She Said" click this link!

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