My First Time Hiking

11:13:00 AM

For years I have watched my older brother leave home for a long weekend up north. Hiking is one of his favorite things to do and this summer I finally gave in. I agreed to travel two hours north to Manistee National Forest with my brothers (Cam & Casey) for a one-nighter.

It started out early Monday morning with a big breakfast and excited eyes. Our overprotective mother forced us to bring ridiculous things such as pepper spray (as if they would save us from a bear attack LOL bless her). The ride up was filled with talk of the future and what to expect on the trail. Here was the plan: seven miles the first day, spend the night in a campsite, and wake up early for another seven miles the second day. It seemed pretty doable. All of us are very athletic and seven miles a day didn't seem too rigorous. Our spirits were high as we set off for our first ever trip together. 

We got on the trail around 11 o'clock. Hill after hill, we ventured further into the wild. As time went on, one of my brothers would fart or hold a branch back only to let go and whack me in the face with it. What lovely brothers I have. We spoke from time to time, but most of the time we walked in silence as we hiked further into this beautiful park. I took in everything in front of me: the roots from the trees that had transformed into steps, the blue markers placed on the trees as we passed, and gorgeous views we came acrossed from the highest peaks of the park. I was having a great time taking photos, spending time with my brothers, and experiencing something completely new.

Four hours later we arrived to our campsite and set up the tent and a few hammocks. After relaxing for an hour or so, we decided to take a swim. Using sticks, we prodded in front of us to keep clear from swimming into big rocks. It was surprising warm (for a river in northern Michigan) and refreshing after our hike. Once we got back, dinner was the only thing on our minds. We decided to start the fire (here's were it gets a bit tricky). The night before we had a massive lightning storm and the fire pit was drenched. With just one fire-starter handy, the fire died almost instantly. Frustration was plastered on my brother's face as he tried time after time to build a fire with just a lighter. Soon, he decided to take a break because he was too upset and wasn't thinking clearly. As he left the campsite, I remember the toilet roll I packed in case of a #2. After unrolling the toilet paper from the roll, I lit the cardboard roll on fire. And what do you know? A flame. A very large flame emerged. With that, the fire started and I was thanking God I didn't have to eat cold soup for dinner. 

After devouring our soups, we sprawled out on our hammocks and mattress pads around the fire. Conversation and laughter filled the cool night air as the sun set behind the tall pines. We talked about everything and I mean everything. Topics ranged from the complexity of the vagina to the type of cat Cam plans on adopting next year. As the sun faded and darkness took over the night, I couldn't help but feel a bit scared. We climbed into our tent and eventually I drifted off to sleep despite the loud critters frolicking around at night. 

We woke at 6 a.m. Despite our tired eyes and aching bodies, we hauled ourselves out of our sleeping bags. This morning was a bit rough for me, I was aching in places I didn't know could ache and I hadn't had a shower in about two days. My hair was a mess, but we still took a picture before leaving to capture this amazing adventure. We hauled the second day. It only took us two hours to finish the seven mile hike and I couldn't be more excited for the Applebee's we were planning on getting on the ride home. Although I was exhausted after this hike, I know I could've gone further and longer. I love how close I felt to nature and how free I felt from my phone and the internet. It allowed me to realize what really matters and how much I'm going to miss my brothers this year as we all separate. I'm so happy we did this trip and I can't wait to go on another adventure next year!

Here are a butt-load of photos I took----

I hope you enjoyed reading and scrolling through these photos from our trip!


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